On-Line Sculpture Course: How to Model An Eagle in Clay

On-Line Sculpture Course: How to Model An Eagle in Clay

Hello my friends,

I’m proud to announce my new on-line course “How to Model an Eagle in Clay”.

You can subscribe with a special discount for my followers with this link:

Click Here.

This is the intro video for the course:

This course covers the process of modelling in step by step instructions, with video, from beginning to end. Some highlights are:

  • Modelling tools and materials.
  • How to make preliminary pencil study sketches of the subject.
  • How to make the rough sketch of the eagle in clay.
  • Modelling the form.
  • Doing the detail.
  • Making the different texture effects for the feathers, beak, skin and rock.
Since this course is hosted on the Udemy platform, you will be able to do it online or download it with their free App which allows you to do it from anywhere, without the need for an internet connection.
I look forward to seeing you in the course.
Again, if you would like to subscribe with a discount, please click here.

All the best,


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